Services Include:
Mediation is a process undertaken by a mutually selected, neutral and impartial person (the mediator). The mediator assists in facilitating a process where parties can discuss and explore differences to mitigate disagreements with the aim of finding some form of common ground and ultimately finding solutions that are acceptable to both parties. Mediation is an empowering process that invites parties to actively participate in the process of decision-making. Moreover, mediation creates a confidential space where parties can discuss their needs, wishes, desires and frustrations to find a win-win solution that is decided and agreed upon by both parties.
The Mediation Process -
Socio-emotional child assessment
The socio-emotional assessment is a holistic screening of the child’s experience of all the significant people and systems in the child’s life. An assessment is a hypothesis testing process that considers development, environmental context, and individual factors.
The purpose of the socio-emotional assessment of the child is to evaluate different systems in the child’s world as well as the child’s socio-emotional functioning and emotional experience of these systems. The assessment further aims to identify and understand different factors that contribute to the child’s current experiences, in order to understand the child’s world and if applicable or needed, make the necessary recommendations in the best interest of the child.
How will the process work?
Intake interviews with both parents
Individual assessment with the child
In some cases, other relevant family members will be interviewed
Collateral sources will be contacted with the permission of both parents
If needed, the child will be referred for further assessments or therapy -
Care & contact investigations
The aim of a care and contact assessment is to determine the best care and contact arrangements for children and parents/guardians/co-holders of parental responsibilities. The investigation considers the views of the child(ren), parents, significant others, educators, peers, therapists, and any other key informants who can provide collateral information. All conclusions and recommendations are drawn up considering the best interest of the child as stipulated in Chapter 2, Section 7 of Children’s Act 38/2005.
Care and contact investigations involve:
Assessment(s) with the child/children
Interviews with both parties involved
Home visits to both parties involved
Collateral interviews
Mediation (if applicable) -
Forensic investigations into allegations of abuse
An abuse investigation consists of a structured assessment, and it is an evidence-based process that investigates the allegations of abuse. Eunice follows the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) protocol and uses the Comprehensive Assessment Model when conducting forensic investigations into allegations of abuse. Following the investigation, a court report is compiled on the findings of the investigation, and she acts as an expert witness in court if needed.
Supervised contact
Supervised contact is often suggested when there are concerns about a child’s emotional or physical safety with one or both parents. The aim of supervised contact is to ensure that children are safe while visiting their parent and that such contact is done in a conflict-free environment. Contact under supervision is when there is continued contact between the child and the parent, in the presence of an objective, neutral third party – typically in cases where physical or sexual maltreatment, neglect, parental dysfunction or family violence is alleged.
Counselling is a client-centred process that allows people to explore and discuss problems, concerns, and challenges with a trained professional in a peaceful, confidential and safe environment. Eunice offers counselling services to both children and adults.